Web Portal
Polar Code Chapters: Explanation and Submissions
Part IA: Safety Measures
Chapter 1: General
Chapter 2: Polar Water Operation Manual
Chapter 3: Ship structure
Chapter 4: Subdivision and stability
Chapter 5: Watertight and weathertight integrity
Chapter 6: Machinery installations
Chapter 7: Fire safety/Protection
Chapter 8: Life saving appliances and arrangements
Chapter 9: Safety of navigation
Chapter 10: Communication
Chapter 11: Voyage planning
Chapter 12: Manning and training
Part IIA: Pollution Prevention Measures
Chapter 1: Prevention of Pollution by Oil
Chapter 2: Control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Chapter 4: Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships
Chapter 5: Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships
Part IB
Additional Guidance Regarding the Provisions of the Introduction and Part I-A
Part IIB
Additional Guidance Regarding the Provisions of the Introduction and Part II-A
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