MEMA Information Database

The MEMA Information Database is a compilation of over 750 documents that relate to engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and formed the basis for the MEMA Reports I & II. The documents may be legislation and regulations, or it may be guidance and recommendations by governments, Arctic Council, academia, NGOs, industry and Indigenous People.

This database may be interrogated in many ways, such as by source (government, Arctic Council, Indigenous Peoples, industry, academia, NGO, or the UN), or by type of activity (oil and gas, marine management, shipping, tourism, preparedness/response, and scientific research) or by country. Each entry has a link to the document and has metadata containing a summary of the engagement in the document, whether it is law, agreement or guidance, who is being engaged, key words, and the stage of engagement, among other parameters.

We are excited to share this database and encourage its use. This is a living document that can be updated.

 of 76
Records 581 to 590 of 756
Document Name
Purpose of Document
Type of Document
Definition of Meaningful Engagement
Who is being engaged
Key Words
Recommendations for Engagement
Case Study/ Example
581 COMPOSITE INDIAN REORGANIZATION ACT FOR ALASKA Alaska amendment of May 1 1936 1936 General Government Congress                           581_Composite Indian Reorganization Act for Alaska.pdf
582 Development of Russian legislation on Northern Indigenous Peoples, Vladimir A. Kryazhkov Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 4, 2/2013 pp. 140ƒ??155. ISSN 1891-6252 2013 General Government   Abstract: This article analyzes the peculiarities of Russian legislation on Indigenous Peoples of the North and its application in practice over the past 20 years. The author identifies several phases of development of this legislation and its current status, and formulates proposals for improvement of the ƒ??indigenousƒ? legislation and related enforcement practices. Paper       ƒ?½ Russian law, ƒ?½ indigenous peoples of the North, ƒ?½ improving ¶®indigenous¶¯ national legislation ƒ?½ law enforcement practices               582_Development-of-Russian-legislation-on-Northern-Indigenous-Peoples.pdf
583 DRUM, Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska Newsletter Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2016 Article by the President Jim Stotts Consultation ƒ?? What Does It Really Mean?   General - Management Indigenous Peoples ICC Alaska Talks about the US-Canada Joint Statement and lack of consultation. News Opinion Piece                       583_DRUM-March-2016-Newsletter-Final.pdf
584 DRUM, Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska Newsletter Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2016, Article by the President James Stotts Itƒ??s All About Meaningful Engagementƒ?Ý 2016 General - Resouce Indigenous Peoples ICC Alaska Talks about the new and past administration with regard to Arctic climate change: Arctic Ocean stewardship, and: improving economic and living conditions in the Arctic. Climate change is important but focus should be an adaptation of indigenous people and the past administration worked with ENGOs and not the Inuit. Ocean Stewardship the setting aside of the Bering Sea Climate Resilience area was generally supported by not so much for the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea withdrawals. The North Slope Borough and the Northwest Arctic Borough together with the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and NANA Regional Corporation were not consulted. Itƒ??s all about meaningful engagement. Until the US decides to sit down with Inuit to discuss common concerns from start-to-finish, results will be less than optimum. News Opinion Piece                       584_December-2016-Newsletter-v4.pdf
585 ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights, COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Fifty-fifth session Agenda item 4 2003 General Government UN                           585_UN Norms Transnational G0316008.pdf
586 Enacting a New Mining Act in Finland ƒ?? How Were Sami Rights and Interests Taken into Account? 2014 by Timo Koivurova & Anna PetrǸtei, Arctic Centre 2014 Resources Government Arctic Centre Analyzes the development of the mining reform in Finland, and how Sami rights were taken into consideration during the process, and examines whether the current legislation provides effective enough protection for the Sami as an indigenous people. Paper                       586_Koivurova Petretei NMT 2014-1.pdf
587 Local traditional knowledge and global environmental programs: Prospects for interaction. Summer 2004. Tamara Semenova 2004   Indigenous Peoples, Russia Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage   Report                       587_Local traditional knowledge and global environmental programs.doc
588 Finnish Mining Act, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland. Mining Act 621 / 2011. 2011   Government, Finland     Law                       588_Finish Mining Act 2011en20110621.pdf
589 Guidelines of the Germany Arctic policy. Assume responsibility, seize opportunities. 2013   Government, International German Federal Foreign Office, Arctic policy                           589_Leitlinien-Arktispolitik.pdf
590 Extractive industries and indigenous peoples 2013, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya* Human Rights Council Twenty-fourth session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development 2013 Resources Government US                           590_A-HRC-24-41_en.pdf