MEMA Information Database

The MEMA Information Database is a compilation of over 750 documents that relate to engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and formed the basis for the MEMA Reports I & II. The documents may be legislation and regulations, or it may be guidance and recommendations by governments, Arctic Council, academia, NGOs, industry and Indigenous People.

This database may be interrogated in many ways, such as by source (government, Arctic Council, Indigenous Peoples, industry, academia, NGO, or the UN), or by type of activity (oil and gas, marine management, shipping, tourism, preparedness/response, and scientific research) or by country. Each entry has a link to the document and has metadata containing a summary of the engagement in the document, whether it is law, agreement or guidance, who is being engaged, key words, and the stage of engagement, among other parameters.

We are excited to share this database and encourage its use. This is a living document that can be updated.

 of 76
Records 561 to 570 of 756
Document Name
Purpose of Document
Type of Document
Definition of Meaningful Engagement
Who is being engaged
Key Words
Recommendations for Engagement
Case Study/ Example
561 Russian Laws on Indigenous Issues. Guarantees, Communities, Territories of Traditional Land Use: Translated and Commented Maksim Zadorin Olga Klisheva Ksenia Vezhlivtseva Daria Antufieva 2017   Indigenous Peoples, Russia Russia.A joint effort between Arctic Centre for Strategic Studies and UArctic Research Office (Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk).   Publication on law                       561_RussianLawsIndPeoplesWthCommentary_NArFU_UArctic_2017.pdf
562 Monitoring of Development of Traditional Indigenous Land Use Areas in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, NW Russia W.K. Dallmann1, V.V. Peskov2 and O.A. Murashko3, editors Report series no. 138, 2010 1Norwegian Polar Institute, senior scientist 2Association of Nenets People Yasavey, president 3Institute of Anthropology, Moscow State University, senior scientist 2010 Management Academic - NGO Norwegian Polar Institute: Association of Nenets People: and Moscow State University                   Recommendations to stakeholders To deal with the challenges described in the present report, we think it is necessary: ƒ?½ to take account of indigenous peoplesƒ?? interests and map traditional nature management in the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (like started in the framework of the present project MODIL-NAO, which is carried out at the initiative of the Association of Nenets People Yasavey in the framework of the International Polar Year), ƒ?½ to carry out qualitative assessments of lands and land management exercised by all households engaged in traditional use of natural resources, ƒ?½ to carry out an obligatory assessment with specialized methods of the influence of industrial development projects in the okrug territory, both on the primordial environment and on the traditional way of life of the indigenous people, ƒ?½ to establish management bodies responsible for the management of Territories of Traditional Nature Use (TTNU), which would involve the participation of indigenous people and the Association of Nenets People Yasavey, ƒ?½ to establish a special standing forum in NAOƒ??s Zapolyarnyy Rayon55, which would facilitate negotiations between indigenous people, industrial companies and government authorities in order to identify and prevent potential conflicts of interests, ƒ?½ to establish an Ethno-Environmental Committee as proposed in the options provided by the current Russian legislation. This Committee, which should have juridical knowledge and access to information from the MODIL-NAO project database, could function as a tool in professional negotiations with subsoil resource users. ƒ?½ to introduce relevant additions into the legislation of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which would legitimise the following proposals, namely: 1) a draft proposal introducing amendments for the regulations about the TTNU im. Vyucheyskyogo, including the establishment of a joint management of the TTNU, 2) proposals to introduce amendments to the NAO legislation, which would facilitate estimations of damage and ethno-ecological assessments. This should aim at preventing damage and minimize the negative effects of industrial projects on the environment and traditional livelihood of the indigenous people, as well as allow for objective assessments of damage and adequate compensations, 3) a draft resolution on guidelines for assessing the extent of damage to natural resources in the traditional environment of the indigenous people in the NAO, and the guidelines as such, 4) a draft resolution on regulations on ethnological assessments in the traditional environment of indigenous people in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and the regulations as such. Unfortunately, the above proposals cannot be easily implemented in the NAO, as governmental authorities recently have delegated a number of the okrugƒ??s responsibilities to the administration of the Arkhangelsk Oblast, a fact that is rendering respective legislative initiatives in the NAO more difficult. Besides the above issues, we recommend to support and develop existing initiatives to train people working in the tundra in monitoring environmental changes.       562_Monitoring of Development ofrapport_138_brage_mindre.pdf
563 Participation in Decision-Making by Indigenous Peoples of the North in Russia, Tamara Semenova, Russian Institute on Cultural and Natural Heritage, Proceedings Politics of Participation ƒ?? Focus on the ƒ??Third Sectorƒ??, University of Helsinki, Finland, August 25ƒ??27, 2005 2005 General Academic - NGO Russian Institute on Cultural and Natural Heritage About existing and strengthening IPOs in the internbational (AC), National context. Conclusions have some relevant recommendations.                         563_pop_Semenova Participation in DecisionMaking.pdf
564 Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North, Siberia and Far East and explotation of georesources. O. Murashko from 'Mir Korennykh Narodov - Zhivaya Arktika' No. 18, 2005 2005   Indigenous Peoples, Russia Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON)   Bulletin                       564_Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North.docx
565 Scott, C. Co-Management and the Politics of Aboriginal Consent to Resource Development: The Agreement Concerning a New Relationship between Le Gouvernement du QuǸbec and the Crees of QuǸbec (2002) in, Canada: The State of the Federation: Reconfiguring Aboriginal- State Relations at 134 (Murphy, M., ed. 2005). 2002 Management Academic - NGO McGill University   Essay                       565_Co-Management and the Politics SOTF2003.pdf
566 Social Impact Assessment along Russiaƒ??s Northern Sea Route: Petroleum Transport and the Arctic Operational Platform (ARCOP) by Nina A. Meschtyb, Bruce C. Forbes and Paula KankaanpÇÏÇÏ, InfoNorth ARCTIC, VOL. 58, NO. 3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) 2005 Shipping Academic - NGO   CONCLUSIONS International initiatives can make a positive contribution to the overall effect of industrial development in the Russian Arctic by facilitating more direct discussions with industry representatives and local populations on the requirements for ecological and social safety. The Arctic Operational Platform therefore represents an important mediation task in bringing together the international community of scientists, politicians, and industrial experts in a forum where the values and needs of different stakeholders can be recognized and considered as critical components of the Northern Dimension policy of the European Union. The issues focused on in this article represent an attempt to generate common understanding and empowerment of local communities through increased knowledge and open discussion of their own needs and attitudes. This, in turn, serves to promote greater public accountability among decision makers. Paper                       566_Social Impact Assessment along Russia’s Northern Sea Route 443-1739-1-PB.pdf
567 Traditional Knowledge and Resource Development, GAP ANALYSIS REPORT #11 2013, Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic, Henry P. Huntington, Huntington Consulting, Eagle River Alaska 2013 Resourse Development Academic - NGO Huntington Consulting This chapter examines the ways in which traditional knowledge has been applied to resource development, specifically to identify where further research would be useful. With this in mind, we can divide the practice of engaging traditional knowledge into four categories. Report                       567_11-ReSDA-Huntington-TK-Final.pdf
568 Wiber, M. and Milley, C. After Marshall: Implementation Of Aboriginal Fishing Rights In Atlantic Canada, 55 Journal of Legal Pluralism 163, 177 (2007). 2007 Management Academic - NGO JOURNAL OF LEGAL PLURALISM 2007 ƒ?? nr. 55   Paper                       568_wibermilley-art.pdf
569 Sami land rights: the Anaya Report and the Nordic Sami Convention by Margret Carstens, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe Vol 15, No 1, 2016, 75-116. 2016 General Academic - NGO Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe ƒ?½ explores land and self-determination rights of the Sami people in Norway, Sweden and Finland in light of Anaya¶ïs UN Report ƒ?½ discusses developments concerning the legal position of the Sami People(s) according to national and international law. Special focus is given to how national law and public administrations are able to sustain a balance between Sami land and self determination rights and the interests of the majority population. ƒ?½ also examines the rationale underlying land and self-determination rights in the Draft Sami Convention. With a view to using international instruments like the ILO Convention No. 169 as a basis for a Sami Convention, the focus is on how far land and self-determination rights of the Sami Convention secure the Sami an equivalent position against state institutions and non-Sami people.         ƒ?½ Sami people, ƒ?½ Sami land rights, ƒ?½ Sami self-determination, Sami Parliament, ƒ?½ Anaya Report, ƒ?½ Sami Convention, ƒ?½ Nordic countries, resource rights, ƒ?½ Environmental rights.               569_CarstensSamiLandRights.pdf
570 Final Evaluation of the Programme ƒ??Strengthening basic human rights of minority and indigenous groups in the Russian Federation ( 2012/281-633)ƒ? funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) for Russia, Natalia Kosheleva, September 2015 2015 General Academic - NGO - Indigenous   Recommendations for bolstering NGO networks and Indigenous Peoples Community Based Orgs in Russia                         570_Strengthening-Human-Rights-of-Minority-and-Indigenous-Groups-in-Russian-Federation.pdf