EA Workshops

6th EA Workshop (2018)

Methodology and status of development of ecological (quality) objectives for Arctic Large Marine Ecosystems

26-27 May 2015, Bergen, Norway


Name of presentation Presenter Download
Ecological objectives: role in the ecosystem approach to management Hein Rune Skjoldal and Phil Mundy Download
Objectives in US Federal and State of Alaska legislation and management Cathy Coon (BOEM, USA) & Phil Mundy (NOAA, USA) Download
Ecological Objectives and Integrated Management Plans for Norwegian Seas Cecilie von Quillefeldt (NPI) Download
Using Ecological Targets to Inform Management Decisions in the Canadian Arctic Bethany Schroeder (DFO, Canada) Download
Ecologocal Objectives in EU MSFD and HELCOM Hermanni Kaartokallio (Finnish Environment Institute) Download
Sámi Values & Traditional Knowledge Asta Balto Download
Wildlife Management System in Nunavut Moshi Kotierk (Government of Nunavut) Download
Co-management perspectives from Arctic Canada: A beluga tale... Lisa Loseto (DFO-Canada) Download

5th EA Workshop (2015)

Methodology and status of development of ecological (quality) objectives for Arctic Large Marine Ecosystems - 26-27 May 2015, Bergen, Norway


Name of presentation Presenter Download
Ecological objectives: role in the ecosystem approach to management Hein Rune Skjoldal and Phil Mundy Download
Objectives in US Federal and State of Alaska legislation and management Cathy Coon (BOEM, USA) & Phil Mundy (NOAA, USA) Download
Ecological Objectives and Integrated Management Plans for Norwegian Seas Cecilie von Quillefeldt (NPI) Download
Using Ecological Targets to Inform Management Decisions in the Canadian Arctic Bethany Schroeder (DFO, Canada) Download
Ecologocal Objectives in EU MSFD and HELCOM Hermanni Kaartokallio (Finnish Environment Institute) Download
Sámi Values & Traditional Knowledge Asta Balto Download
Wildlife Management System in Nunavut Moshi Kotierk (Government of Nunavut) Download
Co-management perspectives from Arctic Canada: A beluga tale... Lisa Loseto (DFO-Canada) Download