MEMA Information Database

The MEMA Information Database is a compilation of over 750 documents that relate to engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and formed the basis for the MEMA Reports I & II. The documents may be legislation and regulations, or it may be guidance and recommendations by governments, Arctic Council, academia, NGOs, industry and Indigenous People.

This database may be interrogated in many ways, such as by source (government, Arctic Council, Indigenous Peoples, industry, academia, NGO, or the UN), or by type of activity (oil and gas, marine management, shipping, tourism, preparedness/response, and scientific research) or by country. Each entry has a link to the document and has metadata containing a summary of the engagement in the document, whether it is law, agreement or guidance, who is being engaged, key words, and the stage of engagement, among other parameters.

We are excited to share this database and encourage its use. This is a living document that can be updated.

 of 76
Records 701 to 710 of 756
Document Name
Purpose of Document
Type of Document
Definition of Meaningful Engagement
Who is being engaged
Key Words
Recommendations for Engagement
Case Study/ Example
701 Consultations Protocol, The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador 2005 Resource Development Indigenous People AFQL Outline protocols for consultation and engagement Guildelines                       701_protocole_consultation_2005_en.pdf
702 BC First Nations Energy & Mining Council. Sharing the Wealth: First Nation Resource Participation Models 2010 Resource Development Indigenous People FNEMC Outlines guidelines and best practices for consultation and engagement Guildelines                       702_BC First Nations Energy & Mining Council » Sharing the Wealth_ First Nations Resource Participation Models.pdf
703 Action Plan. BC First Nations Mineral Exploration and Mining 2008 Resource Development Indigenous People FNEMC Outlines guidelines and best practices for consultation and engagement Guildelines                       703_Mining-Action-Plan.pdf
704 CBERN-NNK Knowledge Needs Research Summary 2011 Resource Development Indigenous People CBERN-NNK Research was conducted in the community to identify knowledge gaps or what the community needed to know to benefit from mining development. The goal was to avoid the negative impacts that had occurred during previous mining projects. Areas included evironmental impact, cultural and language protection, drug abuse prevention strategies Report                       704_CBERN-NNK-Report-English-Final.compressed.pdf
705 Progessive Aboriginal Relations. Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business n.d. Resource Development Indigenous People CCAB Outlines guidelines and best practices for consultation and engagement Guidelines                       705_par_best_practices_final.pdf
706 Curve Lake First Nation. Consultation and Accomodation Standards n.d. Resource Development Indigenous People CLFN Outlines protocols for consultation and engagement Guidelines                       706_CLFN Consultation and Accommodation Standards 2016.pdf
707 FEDERATION OF SOVEREIGN INDIGENOUS NATIONS. Consultation Policy n.d. Resource Development Indigenous People FSIN Outlines guidelines and best practices for consultation and engagement Guidelines                       707_FSINConPol.pdf
708 Horse Lake First Nation (HLFN) Conduct of Consultation. n.d. Resource Development Indigenous People HLFN Outlines protocols for consultation and engagement Guidelines                       708_Consultation_Principles_FactSheet consultation fact sheet 1.pdf
709 Hupacasath Land Use Plan Phase 2 2004 Resource Development Indigenous People Hupacasath First Nation Tom Whitfield and Tawney Lem Outlines protocols for consultation and engagement Guidelines                       709_LUP-Phase2-2006.pdf
710 Out od Respect. The Tahltan, Mining, and the Seven Questions to Sustainability 2003 Resource Development Indigenous People IISD Outlines guidelines and best practices for consultation and engagement Guidelines                       710_mmsd_sevenquestions.pdf