MEMA Information Database

The MEMA Information Database is a compilation of over 750 documents that relate to engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and formed the basis for the MEMA Reports I & II. The documents may be legislation and regulations, or it may be guidance and recommendations by governments, Arctic Council, academia, NGOs, industry and Indigenous People.

This database may be interrogated in many ways, such as by source (government, Arctic Council, Indigenous Peoples, industry, academia, NGO, or the UN), or by type of activity (oil and gas, marine management, shipping, tourism, preparedness/response, and scientific research) or by country. Each entry has a link to the document and has metadata containing a summary of the engagement in the document, whether it is law, agreement or guidance, who is being engaged, key words, and the stage of engagement, among other parameters.

We are excited to share this database and encourage its use. This is a living document that can be updated.

 of 76
Records 681 to 690 of 756
Document Name
Purpose of Document
Type of Document
Definition of Meaningful Engagement
Who is being engaged
Key Words
Recommendations for Engagement
Case Study/ Example
681 Department of the Interior Policy on Consultation with Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporations 2004 Management Government US This policy creates a framework for consulting with Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) Corporation Guidlelines Bureaus and Offices will seek and promote cooperation, participation, and efficiences between agencies with overlapping jurisdiction, special expertise, or related responsibilities regarding a Departmental Action with ANCSA Corporation Implications defines provisions for improving the Dapartment's consultation processes with ANCSA Corporations and shall complement, not superced, any existing laws, rules, statues, or regulations that guide consultation processes with Idian Tribes. Government, local communities, indigenous peoples consultation, government-to-government relationship, self-governance Consultation is a deliberative process that aims to create effective collaboration and informed Federal decision-making. Pre-approval process, planning Involvement of appropraite departmental officials and appropriate ANCSA Corporation officials Federal consultation should be conducted in a meaningful and good-faith manner       681_118_Chapter 4 Department of the Interior Policy on Consultation with Indian Tri.pdf
682 Department of Justice Policy Statement on Tribal Consultation 2013 Management Government US The Policy Statement establishes a formal process through which Department components must seek tribal input regarding the development of new or amended policies, regulations, and legislative actions initiated by the Department that may affect Indian tribes . Memorandum Whenever possible, a consultation should involve individuals who have decision-making authority on the issue that is the subject of the consultation. This will generally mean that the component should make every effort to ensure that elected Tribal leaders or their designees will be substantively involved in the consultation. Also, the component should ensure that political leadership or other relevant decision-makers for the Department of Justice are substantively involved in the consultation even ifthey are not personally able to attend. lithe ultimate decision-makers are not present for the consultation, the Department representatives should ensure that those decision-makers are aware of the relevant issues in advance of the consultation and are apprised of Tribal input after the consultation and before relevant decisions are made. A meaningful process includes providing a full description of the topics to be discussed, and in most cases it will include written materials in advance of the event. This Policy Statement (Policy) implements the requirements of Executive Order 13175 of November 6,2000 (Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments), and provides Department of Justice (Department or DOJ) guidance on the fonnal process through which the Department seeks Tribal input regarding the development of new or amended policies, regulations, and legislative actions initiated by the Department. Government, Organizations, Indigenous peoples, local communities consultation, government-to-government relationship Consultation will involve timely, adequate notice to the appropriate parties. Consultation will be accessible and convenient to Tribal participants.Consultation will be a meaningful process involving appropriate participants. Consultation will be conducted through a transparent and accountable process. Pre-approval process, planning Invitations to consultations will be published on the Office of Tribal Justice and the Tribal Safety and Justice Websites and sent bye-mail to appropriate individual Tribal leaders using an up-to-date Tribal leaders list,or sent by other means reasonably designed to reach all affected federally recognized Tribes.         682_doj-memorandum-tibal-consultation.pdf
683 Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS) Standard on Indigenous Peoples 2016 Management Academic - NGO IUCN GEF Coordination Unit To establish risk assessment and management requirements for IUCN projects to avoid negative impacts on indigenous peoples Policy Indigenous peoples must be consulted in a culturally appropriate way and be active and effective participants in decision-making processes relevant to them in the context of IUCN projects. In adherence to the ESMS Principle on Free, Prior and Informed Consent, free, prior and informed consent is obtained for any intervention that: a. takes place on their lands, waters, or territories: b. may have negative economic, social, cultural or environmental impacts on their rights, resources or livelihoods: c. involves the use of their traditional knowledge: or d. promotes the development and generation of social or economic benefits from cultural heritage sites or resources to which they have legal (including customary) rights.   Organizations, government rights, self-determination, respect, traditional ecological knowledge intentionally and proactively support the rights and livelihoods of indigenous peoples and indigenous communities (in particular their rights to lands, territories and resources) and include specific measures to avoid any negative impacts on them, if avoidance is not possible, appropriate mitigation measures includ Planning, implementation   Partnerships with other actors are designed and implemented in ways that intentionally support the rights and livelihoods of indigenous peoples whenever possible, and at minimum do not undermine them       683_iucn_esms_standard_indigenous_peoples.pdf
684 Ice Seal Management Plan. Anchorage, Alaska, 2012 2012   Governement, USA NOAA Alaska Fisheries.                           684_managementplan0212.pdf
685 EPA Region 10: Tribal Consultation and Coordination Procedures 2012 Management Government United States These Region 10 Tribal Consultation Procedures (Procedures) are consistent with the agency-wide consultation policy, but include more specific guidelines for the consultation process to meet the needs and practices of tribes in EPA Region 10 (Region 10). Guidelines Consultation is a process of meaningful communication and coordination between EPA and tribal officials prior to EPA taking actions or implementing decisions that may affect tribes. As a process, consultation includes several methods of interaction that may occur at different levels. The appropriate level of interaction is determined by past and current practices, adjustments made through this Policy, the continuing dialogue between EPA and tribal governments, and program and regional procedures and plans. Meaningful tribal consultation is an integral component of the federal governmentƒ??s general trust relationship with federally recognized tribes. The federal government recognizes the right of each tribe to self-government, with sovereign powers over their members and their territory. Executive Order 13175 (November 9, 2000) directs federal agencies to establish and implement processes to ensure meaningful and timely input by tribal officials in the development of policies that have tribal implications. Government, Organizations, Indigenous peoples, local communities consultation, government-to-government Tribal consultation is distinct from the EPA public participation and community involvement processes. Tribal consultation should occur before any EPA public meeting or workshop, to offer EPA the opportunity to consider input from interested tribal governments prior to seeking public comment. All Public participation: community engagement: Tribal consultation Consultation shall be conducted in good faith and in a climate of mutual respect       685_EPA Region 10 Tribal Consultation and Coordination Procedures P100FFEY.pdf
686 Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments : Executive Order 13084 1998 Management Government United States In order to establish regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with Indian tribal governments in the development of regulatory practices on Federal matters that significantly or uniquely affect their communities: to reduce the imposition of unfunded mandates upon Indian tribal governments: and to streamline the application process for and increase the availability of waivers to Indian tribal governments Law Each agency shall have an effective process to permit elected officials and other representatives of Indian tribal governments to provide meaningful and timely input in the development of regulatory policies on matters that significantly or uniquely affect their communities.   Government, Organizations, Indigenous peoples, local communities agency, consultation, meaningful Each agency shall have an effective process to permit elected officials and other representatives of Indian tribal governments to provide meaningful and timely input in the development of regulatory policies on matters that significantly or uniquely affect their communities. All Public participation: community engagement: Tribal consultation agencies shall be guided, to the extent permitted by law, by principles of respect for Indian tribal self-government and sovereignty, for tribal treaty and other rights, and for responsibilities that arise from the unique legal relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribal governments.       686_305_Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments Executive Order 13084.pdf
687 A Joint Letter from six Federally-recofnized Tribes in the Kvichak and Nushagak River Drainages of Southwest Alaska: Nondalton Tribal Council, Koliganik Village Council, New Stuyahok Traditional Council, Ekwok Village Council, Curyung Tribal Council, Levelock Village Council 2010 Resource Development Indigenous Peoples Nondalton Tribal Council, Koliganik Village Council, New Stuyahok Traditional Council, Ekwok Village Council, Curyung Tribal Council, Levelock Village Council To request that the EPA initiate a public process under Section 404¶¸ of the Clean Water Act, to protect waters, wetlands, fish, wildlife, fisheries, subsistence and public uses in Kvichak and Nushagak drainages and Bristol Bay of Southwest Alaska from metallic sulfide mining, including a potential Pebble mine Letter     Government, Organizations, Indigenous peoples, local communities government-to-government, consultation Public Tribal consultation process before a project submits its permit applications, and before an EIA commences under Section 404¶¸ of the Clean Water Act with the U.S. EPA Pre-approval process, planning Public participation: community engagement: Tribal consultation Public Tribal consultation process before a project submits its permit applications       687_PLP_EPA_Exhibit 16_Sep2014.pdf
688 Fishing People of the North: Cultures, Economies, and Management Responding to Change 2012 Management Academic - NGO Carothers, C. et al. (1) share knowledge of opportunities and constraints that fishing people in northern countries encounter in a time of environmental, social, and economic change: and (2) investigate how diversity in values and livelihoods can be best incorporated into management processes Report     Government, Organizations, Indigenous peoples, local communities Consultation, Relationship building, fishing Consultation based on Executive Order 13175 Pre-approval process, planning North Pacific Fishery Management Council meetings, planning workshops, informal meetings, tribal consultations, and other activities in attempts to effect management and policy that reflects tribal concerns. Ongoing and meaningful relationship between a tribe and a federal agency that has the mutual objective of collaboration, should not be ƒ??issue-basedƒ? and should be maintained even during periods when there are no major issues of contention. Consultation on particular issues must also be timely, if it is not timely, collaboration and consideration of ideas are not feasible for either party. Other components of consultation include two-way communication, accountability, consistency (in policies, procedures, staff, etc.) and must involve decision makers (tribal and federal government). The Northern Bering Sea Research Area (NBSRA)     688_Fishing People of the North.pdf
689 Advancing Indigenous Framework for Consultation and Accommodation in BC 2013 General Indigenous Peoples First Nations Leadership Council, BC First Nations Consultation and Accommodation Working Group A scan of the legal and political landscape and prepare frameworks, ideas and tools to assist First Nations to advocate for and manifest truly meaningful consultation and accommodation arrangements with the Crown and, where appropriate, proponents Report Appropriate government-to- government engagement processes based on respect, honour, recognition of Aboriginal title and rights and treaty rights, and to advance reconciliation in a tangible way for our communities.   Government, Organizations, Indigenous peoples, local communities Consultation, Relationship building, trust, reconciliation, duty to consult, government-to-government Duty to consult and accomodate, consultation itself is not a final reconciliation, but it is an important mechanism to move toward reconciliation. All government-to- government engagement processes: The Crown must consult with the collective holders of the Aboriginal title or rights. This will usually be Bands or tribal councils government-to- government engagement processes based on respect, honour, recognition of Aboriginal title and rights and treaty rights, and to advance reconciliation in a tangible way for our communities. 'deep consultation' meaning means that Aboriginal peoples have a greater role in the decision making process Haida decision 2014     689_319_UBCIC_IndigActionBook-Text_loresSpreads.pdf
690 Memorandum on Government-to-Government Relations With Native American Tribal Governments 1994 General Government US Directions for Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal Governments Memorandum     Government, Indigenous peoples, local communities government-to-government, consultation United States Government has a unique legal relationship with Native American tribal governments as set forth in the Constituition of the United States, treaties, statutes, and court decisions All community engagement: public participation Each executive department and agency shall consult, to the greatest extent practicable and to the extent permitted by law, with tribal governments prior to taking actions that affect federally recognized tribal governments.       690_Govt to Govt Relations w Native Am Tribal Govts1994.pdf