MEMA Information Database

The MEMA Information Database is a compilation of over 750 documents that relate to engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and formed the basis for the MEMA Reports I & II. The documents may be legislation and regulations, or it may be guidance and recommendations by governments, Arctic Council, academia, NGOs, industry and Indigenous People.

This database may be interrogated in many ways, such as by source (government, Arctic Council, Indigenous Peoples, industry, academia, NGO, or the UN), or by type of activity (oil and gas, marine management, shipping, tourism, preparedness/response, and scientific research) or by country. Each entry has a link to the document and has metadata containing a summary of the engagement in the document, whether it is law, agreement or guidance, who is being engaged, key words, and the stage of engagement, among other parameters.

We are excited to share this database and encourage its use. This is a living document that can be updated.

 of 76
Records 611 to 620 of 756
Document Name
Purpose of Document
Type of Document
Definition of Meaningful Engagement
Who is being engaged
Key Words
Recommendations for Engagement
Case Study/ Example
611 North Pacific Research Board, 2014 Request For Proposals (2013). 2013 Science/Monitoring Government North Pacific Research Board Goals and Definitions The overall goal of the NPRB Long-term Monitoring Program (LTMP) is to support new or existing time-series research that enhances scientistsƒ?? and policy-makersƒ?? ability to understand the current state of the marine ecosystem. Through the LTMP, the Board will support efforts that attempt to predict ecosystem responses to changing ocean conditions. For the purpose of NPRB and this RFP, Long-term monitoring programs are those that aid in understanding ecosystem variability and the effect of this variability on subsistence and/or commercial marine resources. In order to understand these processes, projects will need to address appropriate temporal and spatial scales, be interdisciplinary, involve multiple trophic levels, and have links to subsistence and/or commercial marine resources. Request for Proposals                       611_LTM_RFPrelease_2013.pdf
612 Obama's OCS decision fails Natives, Alaskans Press release from Arctic InÞŸupiat Offshore November 20, 2016 2016 Resource Development Government Arctic InÞŸupiat Offshore An opinion piece from the Arctic Inupiat Offshore company about President Obamaƒ??s removal of the Chuckhi and Beaufort Seas from the 5-Year lease schedule. ƒ??AIO and the Native communities and organizations we represent are profoundly disappointed in the administrationƒ??s decision.ƒ? Opinion Piece       ƒ?½ Support for Offshore Leasing ƒ?½ economic opportunities ƒ?½ infrastructure and economic growth. ƒ?½ ignore the local voices ƒ?½ political environmental legacy ƒ?½ ignored their responsibilities               612_ObamaFailed Natives.docx
613 Resolution to Enhance Coordination of Federal Maritime Activities and Outreach to Alaska Native Tribal Governments and Alaska Native Organizations in the U.S. Arctic, U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System Coordinating Board, September 26, 2016 2016 Shipping Government USA Committee on the Marine Transportation System --it is in the best interest of the Nation for the Federal Government to maximize transparency and promote collaboration where possible with Alaska Native tribal governments and similar Alaska Native organizations: resolution                       613_CMTS Arctic Tribal Collaboration Resolution September 2016.pdf
614 OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2011 EDITION 2011 General Government - International UN 1. Respect human rights, which means they should avoid infringing on the human rights of others and should address adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved. 2. Within the context of their own activities, avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts and address such impacts when they occur. 3. Seek ways to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to their business operations, products or services by a business relationship, even if they do not contribute to those impacts. 4. Have a policy commitment to respect human rights. 5. Carry out human rights due diligence as appropriate to their size, the nature and context of operations and the severity of the risks of adverse human rights impacts. 6. Provide for or co-operate through legitimate processes in the remediation of adverse human rights impacts where they identify that they have caused or contributed to these impacts. Guidelines                       614_OECD Guidelines 48004323.pdf
615 Impact and Benefit Agreement (IBA) no. 2016/01 concerning the Citronen Fjord Zinc/Lead Project - Ironbark Zinc A/S: the municipalities of Qaasuitsup Kommunia, Qeqqata Kommunia, Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq and Kommune Kujalleq: and the Government of Greenland, September 2016 2016 Resource Development Government - Greenland   Sections of the IBA ƒ?½ Agreement and Parties ƒ?½ Purpose and Structure of the IBA including Appendices ƒ?½ Background and Intent of the IBA ƒ?½ Objectives and guiding principles ƒ?½ Obligations and rights of Licensee and Co-licensees ƒ?½ Obligations of Licensee and its contractors, suppliers and service providers ƒ?½ Obligations and Targets under Appendices on Employment, Education and Training of Greenland Workers and use of Greenland Enterprises and building up and development of their Competences and Knowledge ƒ?½ Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Agreement and Implementation of Benefit and Impact Plan ƒ?½ Amendment of Agreement ƒ?½ Amendment of Appendices ƒ?½ Principles for Amendments of plans under this Agreement ƒ?½ Greenlandic workforce and educational initiatives ƒ?½ Business and Enterprise Development ƒ?½ Processing in Greenland ƒ?½ Social and Cultural Well-being ƒ?½ Health ƒ?½ Reporting ƒ?½ Public Access to Documents ƒ?½ Confidentiality regarding submitted data, information, material and reports ƒ?½ Areas exempted from this Agreement ƒ?½ Remedies ƒ?½ Termination of Agreement and making of succeeding Agreement ƒ?½ Termination of Appendices ƒ?½ Obligations on Termination of Agreement ƒ?½ Liability in Damages, Insurance and Indemnification ƒ?½ Relationship to Acts, rules, Exploitation Licence and other agreements ƒ?½ Governing law and relationship to other legislation ƒ?½ Jurisdiction and Arbitration ƒ?½ Language ƒ?½ Signatures ƒ?½ Appendix 1 lronbark Zinc/Lead Project ƒ?½ Appendix 2 Benefit and Impact Plan ƒ?½ Appendix 3 Monitoring & Evaluation Plan ƒ?½ Appendix 4 Template for Consultation ƒ?½ Appendix 5 Employment of Greenland Workers ƒ?½ Appendix 6 Education and training of Greenland Workers ƒ?½ Appendix 7 Development, capacity building and use of Greenland Enterprises and tender procedures ƒ?½ Appendix 8 List of Contracts to be offered on Greenland Terms to Greenland and Foreign Enterprises, including work packages conducted by the Licensee directly ƒ?½ Appendix 9 Funds and other sustainable efforts ƒ?½ Appendix 10 Definitions                         615_iba_ironbark_citronen_fjordengsep_2016_signed_version.pdf
616 BLM NPR-A Subsistence Advisory Panel Meeting, November 6, 2012, Barrow, Alaska, Summary of Workshop, Public Presentations, and Recommendations 2012 Resource Development Government - Indigenous Peoples SAP Panel Recommendations to the BLM 1. AVIATION: During the workshop, SAP members and BLM discussed concerns over aviation. Disturbance from aircraft has always been one of if not the primary concern of subsistence hunters on the North Slope. a. The SAP would like to have the FAA present at a subsequent SAP meeting to discuss whether there is any possibility of establishing special restrictions on flights over the NPR-A/North Slope. b. Members expressed that they would like to have a system whereby more information on aviation (i.e. flight paths, tail numbers) on the North Slope is shared among the public, city agencies, and tribal governments. c. The SAP would also support a renewed effort on the part of BLM to spearhead a public relations/information campaign about aviation on the North Slope in order to educate pilots and companies about the issue. d. Thomas Napageak of Nuiqsut requested that more stipulations be enforced on permittees in the Colville River/Umiat area during moose season, when aircraft disturbance is particularly troublesome. 2. Thomas Napageak requested that all companies with proposed activities in the NPR-A provide the relevant information to the SAP well before the SAP meetings so that the SAP representative has time to review the project and discuss it with their community. 3. The SAP representatives had several questions and requests for information about what the differences will be if the primary oil and gas activity in the NPR-A shifts from leases and exploration to Rights of Way for pipelines and other onshore infrastructure to support offshore oil and gas development. One recurring request is either for a BOEM Chukchi/Beaufort SAP or for the BLM NPR-A SAP to be expanded to include BOEM and offshore development activities. (Lon Kelly explained that this was not within BLMƒ??s authority and that the focus of the SAP would be too diluted by an expanded mission, but that we would look into having a BOEM representative present at a subsequent SAP meeting to answer questions). The SAP is interested in learning about who regulates pipelines, by what factor NPR-A leases (and thus impact funds) are decreasing, and how impacts from pipelines would be mitigated.                         616_Summary_SAP_Nov62012_Barrow.pdf
617 CBD, Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of their Utilization 2002 2002 Resources Government - International UN - CBD                           617_cbd-bonn-gdls-en.pdf
618 Climate Change Adaptation: Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples Inhabiting the Arctic and Far North Indigenous Peoples of the North: Traditional Culture and Knowledge for the Environment, UNESCO Institute of Information Technologies in Education,   Science Research IK Government - International UNESCO Pertinent sections include: Traditional Land Use Traditional Knowledge Traditional and Scientific Knowledge: Opportunities for Integration Report                       618_UNESCO IndigenousPeoplesNorth_en.pdf
619 Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 1992 General Government - International UN Convention on Biological Diversity The objectives of this Convention, to be pursued in accordance with its relevant provisions, are the conservation of biological diversity. the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies, and by appropriate funding. Agreement                       619_cbd-en Convention on Biodiversity.pdf
620 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ƒ??ENVIRONMENTAL CO-MANAGEMENT OF EXTRACTING COMPANIES, AUTHORITIES AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE NORTHƒ?, 2009, by N. Dordina, O. Mikhalev, L. Mikhaleva, O. Murashko, Y. Yakel: regional coordinators ƒ?? V. Peskov, A. Sleptsov, V. Serotetto. 2009 Resources Government - International UNEP The report describes the results of the Demonstration project ƒ??Environmental co-management of extracting companies, authorities, and the small-numbered indigenous peoples of the Northƒ?, being a part of the UNEP/GEF project ƒ??Russian Federation: Support to the National Program of Action for the protection of the Arctic Marine Environment,ƒ? led by The Batani International Development Fund for Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East with the participation of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East and also the foreign partner UNEP/GRID-Arendal in 2007 ƒ?? 2008. The report contains description of the basic events, methods and recommendations of the Demonstration project obtained during seminars, roundtables, fieldworks and development of the information and analytical block of the project. Report                       620_UNEP-Comanagement-final_rpt.pdf